Update on NGOs and fundraiser info

We spent another wonderful four months in Arequipa, visited the three non-profit agencies SUPC made donations to this year: Instituto de Rehabilitación Integral del Discapacitado (I.R.I.D.),Cuna Jardin Corazon de Jesus and Crines, the therapeutic riding centre. We also made some home visits with the children from the Cuna Jardin. I also volunteered at Crines, helping with tacking the horses and as a sidewalker to prevent children from falling.

Here’s the links to photos from the visits to the different NGOs:

 With the I.R.I.D. Director –  Dr. Mary Luz Barreda

At the Cuna Jardin

Second Cuna visit and home vists: 


The Cuna Jardin has had to cut the number of children it takes and cut some staff because of funding cuts from donors in Europe. However, they still have more than 150 children enrolled.

Crines now has three pones and two horses – either donated or bought at low cost; however, all have health problems (which is why they were available for Crines) and need money for their care and feeding. There’s a sliding scale fee for the therapy and total subsidy for those unable to pay. Currently two long term volunteers work at the Centre and there are other short term volunteers.

I.R.I.D has received Government funding to build additional living homes for the children who live at the Centre rather than in-home. However, they have a shortage of workers and volunteers, based in part on the distance the Centre is from the city centre.

 Economy in Arequipa

Currently, Arequipa is in an economic boom –this has increased the price of many items including food making it more costly for the agencies to buy basic food items. The boom has also attracted more people from rural Peru with an immigration of about 20,000 a year. They build structures made of volcanic rock or cement blocks on the outskirts of the City and initially lack all basic services (water, sewer, electricity). Many of them access the services of the NGOs we support. The photos indicate some of the living conditions.


Plans are well underway for our two fall fundraisers, this year we’re going back to the original format with the Peruvian dinner and Latin Music Night separate. The dinner will be held the third weekend in September, stay tuned for details and a link to buy tickets. The Latin Music night will once again be held at the Yardbird Suite in November. We’ll have a silent auction at both events. Stayed tuned for finalized details.


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