Tracy and I have been living in Arequipa sine January and have visited the Instituto de Rehabilitación Integral del Discapacitado – IRID , the Cuna Jadin Corozan de Jesus and the homes of some of the families whose children go to the Cuna.
Arequipa has been growing dramatically since we first came here in 2009, with about 20,000 people coming in each year. Most, like the families whose children attend the Cuna and families who receive support from I.R.I.D., build one room houses on the outskirts of the City. The photos from the home visits show how many of the families live.
Although Peru and Arequipa are experiencing a “boom” and there are many more amenities than in 2009, these families are not benefiting and in many cases the cost of basic items, such as quinoa, has risen out of their reach.
Links to the photos: