- 2016 NorQuest Practicum students with SUPC Board Chair and Vice-chair
Stephanie Gillanders, April Leblanc, Marcia Tait, Aisha Oboh, Senha Prakash, Brandy Berry and Leila Norton.
Five NorQuest Social Work students are heading to Arequipa April 27th for their Spring block practicum placement. Prior to leaving David Flomo, chair on the NorQuest Social Work Program and Craig Hart, Associate Dean Health and Community Studies, held a departure event for the students and guests. Three of the students will have a practicum placement at Cuna Jardin, Corazon de Jesus and two will do their placement at IRID. As well, all students will live with a local family and study Spanish at a local school. The practicum runs six weeks and in addition to their placement and studying students will visit some of the cultural sites in Arequipa, make side trips to some of the surrounding villages and also visit some of the main tourist sites: Nazca, Puno and the Colca Canyon. After the practicum ends several of the students will also visit Cusco, Machu Pichuu and the Scared Valley.
Aisha Oboh, SUPC founding member and vice-chair, will also be going to Arequipa for the last three weeks of the practicum to assist in providing information and support to the students based on her experiencing doing a practicum with IRID in 2011.
As part of the farewell, Flomo provided gifts for the students, Aisha and for me as will as a memento from NorQuest College for students to give for their home stay family.
More photos from the event can be seen at: http://www.pbase.com/tracyk/2016_04_13_peru_students_