SUPC has had three successful fundraisers since October 2012:
The Peruvian dinner and silent auction, with great Peruvian food catered by Carla Tamayo, and hosted by Board member Aisha Oboh who completed her practicum at the Instituto de Rehabiltaction Integral Para Discapacitados in 2011.
The Latin Social and silent auction at Metro Billiards, organized by Christine Murray one of the students who completed her practicum at the Cuna Jardin in 2012. Special thanks to Joey at Metro Billiards for donating the food and the musicians and dancers for donating their time and talent for the event. Performances were by Lisi Sommers, Macro Claveria, North Tango and a tango demonstration by Vicente and Cristina Munoz.
Special thanks as well to those who donated items to the both silent auctions,and to those who purchased them.
The third fundraiser was organized by Smitty’s Whitecourt in conjunction with board member Nicole Barrett, who also completed her practicum at the Cuna Jardin in 2012. Smitty’s donated their profits from coffee sold in the restaurant each Sunday in December.
With private donations made during the Christmas season the three fundraisers raised more than $6,500.