We visited the Cuna Jardin, Corazon de Jesus and got an update from the Director. Since the start of Covid restrictions, there haven’t been any children at the Centre, but they’ve been able to construct additional buildings. A second, pre-fab, room was built for the two year olds to enable social distancing required by the Government. As well, a larger mult-purpose room has been completed, initially it was intended as a space for homework club for older children, library and a dining area. However, for now it will just be used as a dining area until the other activities can be resumed.
The intention is to have children return in March, the end of summer holidays, before Covid there were approximately 150 children at the Cuna Jardin. However, because of Government restrictions there will only be 70 this year. There is hope to be able to continue internet classes with some of the children who won’t be able to come in person.
So far, the number of cases of the Omicron variant has been limited with authorities hoping to limit the spread through a widespread vaccination effort. However, both the rate of poverty, now at 27% and the rate of anaemia, especially amongst children has increased in the past two years.
Photos from the visit, with descriptions here: