Visits to IRID and Cuna Jardin


Both Tracy and I visited both IRID and the Cuna Jardin Corazon de Jesus this past week. Summer in Arequipa is the rainy season and this year the rain has been particularly severe flooding many homes and also washing out roads. IRID was not affected by the rain but two of the children’s classrooms at the Cuna Jardin were damaged, the roof will need to be repaired and a moisture barrier added and then the ceiling of the classroom repaired.

As its summer holidays there are only about 35 children attending the Cuna Jardin, once school starts in March there will be more than 120 children ranging from two to five. During the school year, after their regular school hours are over, older children come to the Cuna to participate in a homework club.

We also met with Roberto D’Amico, Peru Inside Out travel agency, who provided a special Christmas celebration for the children at the Cuna Jardin. We discussed various ways of providing information to travellers about the Cuna Jardin and ways they can help support it. I will provide an update as plans develop.

Currently there are 35 children and young adults living at IRID – when the children reach adulthood there isn’t another place for them go so they remain at the centre. Some of the residents have severe medical complications and require daily medications; the Government pays a portion of the costs but does not cover the full amount. Donations from SUPC help with the additional cost. Funds can also be used to help pay for the different therapists needed to work with the residents. It can be difficult to find workers willing to come to the Centre as it is on the outskirts of Arequipa – about an hour by bus – and private agencies in the City are able to pay more than IRID can.

Both agencies accept volunteers, currently a local US/Peruvian family is volunteering several days a week at IRID – doing outdoor work and maintenance. They have also started a vegetable garden and the more able children work in it – giving them a sense of accomplishment. There are also two volunteers currently working with the children at the Cuna Jardin

Links to more photos of the visits here:



Outstanding Latin Music Night

We had a great turn-out for the fifth annual Latin Music Night, this year’s performers were Los Rebeles Musicales, Mariachi Mundo with Jorge Vagas, Marco Claveria Band and Sebastian Barrera.

In addition to the music, there was a video presentation on SUPC and the agencies we support in Arequipa, a silent auction and refreshments.

We’ve once again booked the Yardbird for the last Sunday in October for next year’s sixth Latin Music Night.

I’m heading to Arequipa in mid-January and will update with information on the agencies after we’ve visited them.

Link to some of the pictures from the night can be seen here:


Peruvian dinner a huge success

Our sixth annual Peruvian dinner, held Oct. 8th at Holy Trinity Anglican Church was a huge success. Despite being held on Thanksgiving weekend Saturday and a snowstorm early in the day we had a sell-out crowd. As usual we enjoyed the delicious  food prepared by Carla Tamayo Aragon.

This year the Aculpeca adult and children dancers performed tradtional Peruvian dances for the delighted attendees.

Pictures from the event here:





SUPC Annual fundraising Dinner

Our annual Peruvian fundraising dinner will be held Saturday, October 8th at Holy Trinity Anglican Church 10037 84  Avenue Edmonton. Come out, experience great food, (and pisco sours), enjoy the entertainment, bid on the silent auction (including alpaca, silver and handicraft items from Peru) and support a great cause. Details in the poster.

Also, stayed tuned for information about the annual Latin Music Night Sunday October 30th at the Yardbird Suite.

Special promotion for those that buy tickets to both events, buy a joint ticket for the dinner and for the music for $50 each. Contact SUPC at for more details or to buy the tickets.


NorQuest Social Work students – successful praticum

All five of the NorQuest social work students, three first year and two second year, completed their block practicum  (work placement) in Arequipa. Three of the students were at La Cuna Jardin Corazon de Jesus and worked with teachers in the two, four and five year old rooms. They also helped with the older children who attended the homework club after the end of their school day. School in Peru begins earlier than in Canada and usually ends early afternoon

The other two students were at IRID and assisted the teachers in the classroom in the mornings, helped with feeding the children at lunch time and in the afternoon provided support to the children in the home centre.

In addition to their placement and studying Spanish, the students visited some of the cultural sites in Arequipa, and also on the weekends visited some of the main tourist sites: Nazca, Puno and the Colca Canyon. After the practicum ended several of the students stayed in Peru to visit Cusco, Machu Picchu, and the Scared Valley.

Aisha Oboh, SUPC Vice-Chair, who completed her practicum in Arequipa in 2011, came to Arequipa  for the last three weeks of the practicum to assist in providing information and support to the students based on her experience of doing a practicum with IRID

Celebration for NorQuest practicum students

2016 NorQuest Practicum students with SUPC Board Chair and Vice-chair

Stephanie Gillanders, April Leblanc, Marcia Tait, Aisha Oboh, Senha Prakash, Brandy Berry and Leila Norton.

Five NorQuest Social Work students are heading to Arequipa April 27th for their Spring block practicum placement. Prior to leaving David Flomo, chair on the NorQuest Social Work Program and Craig Hart, Associate Dean Health and Community Studies, held a departure event for the students and guests. Three of the students will have a practicum placement at Cuna Jardin, Corazon de Jesus and two will do their placement at IRID. As well, all students will live with a local family and study Spanish at a local school. The practicum runs six weeks and in addition to their placement and studying students will visit some of the cultural sites in Arequipa, make side trips to some of the surrounding villages and also visit some of the main tourist sites: Nazca, Puno and the Colca Canyon. After the practicum ends several of the students will also visit Cusco, Machu Pichuu and the Scared Valley.

Aisha Oboh, SUPC founding member and vice-chair, will also be going to Arequipa for the last three weeks of the practicum to assist in providing information and support to the students based on her experiencing doing a practicum with IRID in 2011.

As part of the farewell, Flomo provided gifts for the students, Aisha and for me as will as a memento from NorQuest College for students to give for their home stay family.

More photos from the event can be seen at:




Visit to Cuna Jardin Corazon de Jesus

Tracy and I visited the Cuna Jardin to talk with the Director both about current activities with the children, and parents and about the three NorQuest College students who will be doing their practicum at the Cuna this coming Spring. The Cuna is accepting students for the upcoming school year -beginning in March. Most of the children are from female headed single parent families, many of these mothers work periodically in contract positions, making it difficult to budget and to meet all their financial needs. They realize though the importance of care and education for their children and often travel for two hours to reach the Cuna before starting their job.

More photos here:



Pictures from visit to Instituto de Rehabilitación Integral del Discapacitado (IRID)



Tracy and I visited IRID last week and noticed the many changes – more play equipment for the children and new spaces for the different therapies the children receive.

As well, work has begun to develop the adjoining field into a garden.

The Director and staff are looking forward to having the NorQuest social work students who will be doing their practicum at IRID this Spring.

For more photos, click here:

or click on one of the photos